Quality time togetherWe first started at Oceanic Waterbabies with our then 5 month old daughter. Although we thought she loved the water and swimming, she became distressed in classes and we never made it through a full lesson without her becoming upset to the point of having to leave. It was heartbreaking and we were confused as to why but then Kelly Rae took us under her wing and with her own precious time and expertise, she helped our daughter become comfortable and happy in the water. We were able to rejoin our class the following term and it was as if our baby never had an issue in the first place.

Our daughter is now in her third year at waterbabies and our new baby girl has just started in her first term of swimming. Learning to swim and enjoying the water safely is an important value for our family and without Waterbabies, we may have had a much tougher time achieving this. We couldn't recommend Oceanic Waterbabies highly enough to other parents.

Ashley and Luella

We aspire to leave a lasting, positive feeling

All enquiries for all venues, please contact Head Office


VENUES:    Innaloo      Shenton Park      Success      Busselton
OFFICE HOURS:   Monday - Friday, 9:30am - 3pm

E-mail: admin@waterbabies.com.au | Telephone: 08 94987700

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